Diwali Celebration held at Canyon Crest Academy

A group of freshmen girls held a Diwali Celebration at Canyon Crest Academy on Oct. 24 as a way to showcase this prominent Indian festival.

Diwali, a holiday known as the “Festival of Lights”, is celebrated primarily in South Asia and the Caribbean. Though the festival has many interpretations, the core message is the victory of good, or light over evil.

The celebration included a hand-drawn Rangoli (sand art), Diyas (lamps), flowers, music, and dance, as well as poster boards that explained the festival. The girls handed out sunflowers and Diwali best wishes to students as they walked into school to help brighten their day.

Diwali was explained to students that were interested. Dances showcasing the festival were performed for the staff and students. It was a great way to kick off Diwali for all.

The organizers of the event thank CCA Principal Brett Killeen and the school staff for their support to make this celebration a success.