About Naisha Patel

"The one thing I like most about dance is definitely the facial expressions. If you have good facial expressions, you can completely change the message your dance sends to the audience, and I just think that that’s one of the best parts about dance”

Meet Naisha Patel, a young woman who exemplifies Aristotle’s quote: “Excellence is an art won by training and habituation.” From a young age, Naisha has embodied persistence and drive in all her pursuits, including ice skating, skiing, and dance.

 As she crossed the threshold of five, she found dance and ice skating inextricable. Moving far beyond the label of extra curricula, dance and figure skating seemed to infest every domain of Naisha’s life. This was the result of her own discipline and dedication coupled with unwavering direction and hawk-eyed guidance of her teachers. 

 Her dedication to Bharatanatyam and figure skating has not only given her self-confidence but has also instilled in her the values that make her shine bright on and off the ice. Naisha is a devoted student of the Swampathi Dance Academy Institute, which has been a source of tremendous inspiration for her. Her passion for dance is also fueled by her academic foundations in the sciences.

 Aside from possessing amazing talent, Naisha also has a big heart. She spends her free time serving the community by volunteering for various organizations, such as the Junior Optimist Club. Her dedication and determination make her a role model for others, as she continues to rebound every time she falls. With her skill set and passion, Naisha has the potential to achieve any goal she sets her mind to.

 Naisha is excited to welcome everyone to her Arangetram, which marks the culmination of her Bharatanatyam learning experience. She expresses her gratitude for the support of her family, friends, teachers, and the community that has enriched her life. She also thanks her audience for being a part of her memorable journey and for giving her the confidence to perform her best.

 As Naisha stands on stage, she reflects on the people who have impacted her life, regardless of the time they spent with her. She recognizes the importance of the community and how it takes a village to raise a child. Naisha is grateful for each person who has touched her life in a unique way, and she acknowledges the outpouring of love and support she has received on this special day.