CCA student Naisha Patel shines at solo Indian classical dance performance

Swapanthi Dance Academy presented “Naisha Patel Rangapravesha/Bharatanatyam” to a full audience on Aug. 6 at the Poway Center for the Performing Arts.

The event featured Naisha Patel, a Canyon Crest Academy sophomore, who did a two-hour solo Indian classical dance performance.

An Arangetram, the debut performance of a student of Indian classical dance, consists of nine main dances, all showcasing Naisha’s mastery of adavus (basic Bharatanatyam moves that act as building blocks for more complex dances), balance between nritta (steps) and nritya (emotion), and their knowledge of the Hindu mythology that serve as inspiration for the dance.

Bharatanatyam is a complete artform that combines artistic expression with spirituality. Items are performed in a specific sequence referred to as a “Margam” (path). On this occasion, the debutante, Naisha, presented her art to the divine dancer Lord Nataraja, her teacher, and the audience, seeking their blessings to further pursue this artform.

Naisha’s dedication to Bharatanatyam and figure skating has not only given her self-confidence but has also instilled in her the values that make her shine bright on and off the ice. Naisha is a devoted student of the Swapanthi Dance Academy, which has been a source of tremendous inspiration for her. Her passion for dance is also fueled by her academic foundations in the sciences.

Naisha was grateful to her teacher, accomplished dancer Aparna Sundaram, for her guidance, and to the 12 students of CCA who volunteered and supported her by greeting all guests as they entered the auditorium prior to her performance. Naisha also said a good performance is not possible without the support of a great orchestra.

At the end of her accomplished performance Naisha spoke from her heart about her passion and love for the art and respect for her teacher.

Among the many compliments Naisha received after her performance, was one by attendee Sahil Gandhi who said in a news release, “Naisha was absolutely mesmerizing onstage. She held the audience captive for her entire performance, keeping the tempo from start to finish. Her posture, Abhinaya, and footwork were perfect; she never missed a beat. Naisha has the ability to share the story of a dance through her Abhinaya so well that even a person without prior knowledge of the art could understand. During the Varnam, which is the main piece in an Arangetram, dancers tend to lose their composure. Naisha, however, excelled, performing intricate jathi pieces between the charanams with ease. Overall, Naisha’s dancing was a riveting experience and a true treat for all.”

Another passion for Naisha is serving the community by volunteering for various organizations, such as the Junior Optimist Club.

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